Integrated: 8315884: New Object to ObjectMonitor mapping

Axel Boldt-Christmas aboldtch at
Fri Aug 16 06:23:04 UTC 2024

On Mon, 8 Jul 2024 08:18:42 GMT, Axel Boldt-Christmas <aboldtch at> wrote:

> When inflating a monitor the `ObjectMonitor*` is written directly over the `markWord` and any overwritten data is displaced into a displaced `markWord`. This is problematic for concurrent GCs which needs extra care or looser semantics to use this displaced data. In Lilliput this data also contains the klass forcing this to be something that the GC has to take into account everywhere.
> This patch introduces an alternative solution where locking only uses the lock bits of the `markWord` and inflation does not override and displace the `markWord`. This is done by keeping associations between objects and `ObjectMonitor*` in an external hash table. Different caching techniques are used to speedup lookups from compiled code.
> A diagnostic VM option is introduced called `UseObjectMonitorTable`. It is only supported in combination with the LM_LIGHTWEIGHT locking mode (the default). 
> This patch has been evaluated to be performance neutral when `UseObjectMonitorTable` is turned off (the default). 
> Below is a more detailed explanation of this change and how `LM_LIGHTWEIGHT` and `UseObjectMonitorTable` works.
> # Cleanups
> Cleaned up displaced header usage for:
>   * BasicLock
>     * Contains some Zero changes
>     * Renames one exported JVMCI field
>   * ObjectMonitor
>     * Updates comments and tests consistencies
> # Refactoring
> `ObjectMonitor::enter` has been refactored an a `ObjectMonitorContentionMark` witness object has been introduced to the signatures. Which signals that the contentions reference counter is being held. More details are given below in the section about deflation.
> The initial purpose of this was to allow `UseObjectMonitorTable` to interact more seamlessly with the `ObjectMonitor::enter` code. 
> _There is even more `ObjectMonitor` refactoring which can be done here to create a more understandable and enforceable API. There are a handful of invariants / assumptions which are not always explicitly asserted which could be trivially abstracted and verified by the type system by using similar witness objects._
> # LightweightSynchronizer
> Working on adapting and incorporating the following section as a comment in the source code
> ## Fast Locking
>   CAS on locking bits in markWord. 
>   0b00 (Fast Locked) <--> 0b01 (Unlocked)
>   When locking and 0b00 (Fast Locked) is observed, it may be beneficial to avoid inflating by spinning a bit.
>   If 0b10 (Inflated) is observed or there is to much contention or to long critical sections for spinning to be feasible, inf...

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: bd4160ce
Author:    Axel Boldt-Christmas <aboldtch at>
Stats:     3612 lines in 68 files changed: 2691 ins; 318 del; 603 mod

8315884: New Object to ObjectMonitor mapping

Co-authored-by: Erik Österlund <eosterlund at>
Co-authored-by: Stefan Karlsson <stefank at>
Co-authored-by: Coleen Phillimore <coleenp at>
Reviewed-by: rkennke, coleenp, dcubed



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