RFR: 8338967: Improve performance for MemorySegment::fill [v4]

Francesco Nigro duke at openjdk.org
Tue Aug 27 13:00:07 UTC 2024

On Tue, 27 Aug 2024 09:47:20 GMT, Per Minborg <pminborg at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> As discussed offline, can't we use a stable array of functions or something like that which can be populated lazily? That way you can access the function you want in a single array access, and we could put all these helper methods somewhere else.
> Unfortunately, a stable array of functions/MethodHandles didn't work from a performance perspective.

> Here is a benchmark that fills segments of various random sizes:

without proper branch misses perf counters is difficult to say if it is actually messing up with the Apple MX branch pred...

For my Ryzen this is the test which mess up with the branch prediction (which is fairly good in AMD); clearly not inlining `fill` is a trick to make `MemorySegment::fill` inlined and still makes the branch predictor targets "stable" for our purposes

import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.BenchmarkMode;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.CompilerControl;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Fork;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Measurement;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Mode;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.OutputTimeUnit;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Param;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Scope;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Setup;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.State;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Warmup;

import java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

@Warmup(iterations = 5, time = 500, timeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
@Measurement(iterations = 10, time = 500, timeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
@Fork(value = 3)
public class TestFill {

    @Param({"false", "true"})
    private boolean shuffle;
    private MemorySegment[] segments;
    @Param({ "1024", "128000"})
    private int samples;
    private byte[] segmentSequence;

    public void setup() {
        segments = new MemorySegment[8];
        // still allocates 8 different arrays
        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
            // we always pay the most of the cost here, for fun
            byte[] a = shuffle? new byte[i + 1] : new byte[8];
            segments[i] = MemorySegment.ofArray(a);
        segmentSequence = new byte[samples];
        var rnd = new Random(42);
        for(int i = 0; i < samples; i++) {
            // if shuffle == false always fall into the "worst" case of populating 8 bytes
            segmentSequence[i] = (byte) rnd.nextInt(0, 8);

    public void heap_segment_fill() {
        var segments = this.segments;
        for (int nextIndex : segmentSequence) {

    public void fill(MemorySegment segment) {
        segment.fill((byte) 0);



# JMH version: 1.34
# VM version: JDK 21, Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, 21+35-LTS-2513

I got:

Which means that despite is not that optimized on JDK 21 still this benchmark mess up enough with the branch predictor that will hit badly as the perf counters shows

Benchmark                                           (samples)  (shuffle)  Mode  Cnt         Score         Error      Units
TestFill.heap_segment_fill                               1024      false  avgt   30     10296.595 ±      19.694      ns/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:CPI                           1024      false  avgt    3         0.200 ±       0.006  clks/insn
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:IPC                           1024      false  avgt    3         5.006 ±       0.152  insns/clk
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:L1-dcache-load-misses         1024      false  avgt    3         7.839 ±      35.541       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:L1-dcache-loads               1024      false  avgt    3     90908.364 ±   19714.476       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:L1-icache-load-misses         1024      false  avgt    3         0.458 ±       1.347       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:L1-icache-loads               1024      false  avgt    3        70.000 ±     287.459       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:branch-misses                 1024      false  avgt    3         8.666 ±      10.013       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:branches                      1024      false  avgt    3     49674.054 ±    9931.580       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:cycles                        1024      false  avgt    3     46501.496 ±    8694.782       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:dTLB-load-misses              1024      false  avgt    3         0.186 ±       0.549       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:dTLB-loads                    1024      false  avgt    3         1.426 ±       4.003       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:iTLB-load-misses              1024      false  avgt    3         0.126 ±       0.405       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:iTLB-loads                    1024      false  avgt    3         0.249 ±       0.869       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:instructions                  1024      false  avgt    3    232778.290 ±   47179.208       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:stalled-cycles-frontend       1024      false  avgt    3       257.566 ±     778.186       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill                               1024       true  avgt   30     11003.331 ±      70.467      ns/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:CPI                           1024       true  avgt    3         0.208 ±       0.047  clks/insn
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:IPC                           1024       true  avgt    3         4.813 ±       1.077  insns/clk
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:L1-dcache-load-misses         1024       true  avgt    3         8.734 ±       1.782       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:L1-dcache-loads               1024       true  avgt    3     94231.271 ±    4742.906       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:L1-icache-load-misses         1024       true  avgt    3         0.506 ±       2.508       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:L1-icache-loads               1024       true  avgt    3        83.470 ±     216.408       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:branch-misses                 1024       true  avgt    3         8.894 ±       8.807       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:branches                      1024       true  avgt    3     50686.259 ±     404.635       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:cycles                        1024       true  avgt    3     49969.876 ±   11319.276       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:dTLB-load-misses              1024       true  avgt    3         0.187 ±       0.655       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:dTLB-loads                    1024       true  avgt    3         1.587 ±       3.060       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:iTLB-load-misses              1024       true  avgt    3         0.123 ±       0.660       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:iTLB-loads                    1024       true  avgt    3         0.293 ±       1.287       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:instructions                  1024       true  avgt    3    240463.595 ±     976.383       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:stalled-cycles-frontend       1024       true  avgt    3       255.006 ±     988.846       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill                             128000      false  avgt   30   1259362.873 ±    5934.195      ns/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:CPI                         128000      false  avgt    3         0.201 ±       0.025  clks/insn
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:IPC                         128000      false  avgt    3         4.982 ±       0.626  insns/clk
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:L1-dcache-load-misses       128000      false  avgt    3      2872.859 ±    7141.312       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:L1-dcache-loads             128000      false  avgt    3  10657359.179 ± 1907105.367       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:L1-icache-load-misses       128000      false  avgt    3        60.908 ±      97.434       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:L1-icache-loads             128000      false  avgt    3      8853.079 ±    8185.081       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:branch-misses               128000      false  avgt    3       881.014 ±    3001.249       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:branches                    128000      false  avgt    3   6252293.868 ±  150888.746       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:cycles                      128000      false  avgt    3   5728074.407 ±  820865.748       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:dTLB-load-misses            128000      false  avgt    3        24.925 ±     164.673       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:dTLB-loads                  128000      false  avgt    3       249.671 ±     987.855       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:iTLB-load-misses            128000      false  avgt    3        14.258 ±      47.128       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:iTLB-loads                  128000      false  avgt    3        34.156 ±     248.858       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:instructions                128000      false  avgt    3  28538131.024 ±  526036.510       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:stalled-cycles-frontend     128000      false  avgt    3     27932.797 ±   27039.568       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill                             128000       true  avgt   30   1857275.169 ±    4604.437      ns/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:CPI                         128000       true  avgt    3         0.288 ±       0.009  clks/insn
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:IPC                         128000       true  avgt    3         3.472 ±       0.109  insns/clk
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:L1-dcache-load-misses       128000       true  avgt    3      3433.246 ±   15336.162       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:L1-dcache-loads             128000       true  avgt    3  12940291.898 ± 4889405.663       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:L1-icache-load-misses       128000       true  avgt    3        73.450 ±     231.916       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:L1-icache-loads             128000       true  avgt    3     13483.446 ±   42337.545       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:branch-misses               128000       true  avgt    3     86493.970 ±    8740.093       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:branches                    128000       true  avgt    3   6320125.417 ±  998773.918       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:cycles                      128000       true  avgt    3   8406053.515 ± 1319703.106       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:dTLB-load-misses            128000       true  avgt    3        34.833 ±     105.768       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:dTLB-loads                  128000       true  avgt    3       307.842 ±     754.292       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:iTLB-load-misses            128000       true  avgt    3        23.104 ±      51.968       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:iTLB-loads                  128000       true  avgt    3        55.073 ±     241.755       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:instructions                128000       true  avgt    3  29183047.682 ± 4280293.555       #/op
TestFill.heap_segment_fill:stalled-cycles-frontend     128000       true  avgt    3    707884.732 ±  176201.245       #/op

And -prof perfasm correcly show for samples = 128000 and shuffle = true shows

....[Hottest Region 1]..............................................................................
libjvm.so, Unsafe_SetMemory0 (82 bytes) 

Which are likely the branches at https://github.com/openjdk/jdk21/blob/890adb6410dab4606a4f26a942aed02fb2f55387/src/hotspot/share/utilities/copy.cpp#L216-L244


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/20712#discussion_r1732802685

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