JEP 473: Proposal for new built-in gatherer `indexed`

Chen Liang chen.l.liang at
Thu Dec 5 17:14:21 UTC 2024

Hi Henrik,
I recall there was a thread for EnumeratedStream ( back in April; it calls for the same feature, to add a stage for indexing entries.
This approach of using a gatherer is simple; its disadvantage is that when there is a next stage in the stream, the indices become invalidated and cause confusions for users.  This is not a problem in the Rust/Python enumerate examples, as they do not intend to be fluent like Stream.

I had a toy project that explores the consumption of (index, element) pairs:
This simple example takes predicates and functions that take an (index, element) pair and return a boolean/a next element. In the same package, there is also an API, which allows you to create Collector/Gatherer for an indexed entry, and re-fit that Collector/Gatherer to be general purpose.
These are all aimed to avoid propagating no-longer-valid indices to the next stage of the stream operations; and they aren't exactly pretty.

Do you have any justifications for the addition of this particular gatherer, so it should be provided in the Java Class Libraries instead of a user library?

Chen Liang
From: core-libs-dev <core-libs-dev-retn at> on behalf of Henrik Wall < at>
Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2024 10:48 AM
To: core-libs-dev at <core-libs-dev at>
Subject: JEP 473: Proposal for new built-in gatherer `indexed`

Hey folks,

Not having access to the index of an element of a stream is often a
reason to fall back to a traditional loop, at least for me. I'd love
to have `Gatherers.indexed()` that looks something like this:

public static <TR> Gatherer<TR, ?, Map.Entry<Integer, TR>> indexed() {
    return Gatherer.ofSequential(
            () -> new int[1],
            Gatherer.Integrator.ofGreedy((state, element, downstream) ->
                    downstream.push(Map.entry(state[0]++, element)))

(Potentially with a custom pair class to avoid auto-boxing.)

In other popular languages like Python or Rust, this is also called `enumerate`.

Any chance to get that in a future release?

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