RFR: 8268611: jar --validate should check targeted classes in MR-JAR files

Alex Buckley alex.buckley at oracle.com
Fri Dec 13 17:42:14 UTC 2024

On 12/13/2024 7:31 AM, Christian Stein wrote:
> I'll update the message to read:
> `META-INF/versions/9/com/foo/Bar.class has class file version 69 (Java 25), but class file version 53 or less is required to target release 9 of the Java Platform`

Saying "class file version 69" and "class file version 53" is good.

Please remove the informal "(Java 25)" clause. I spelled out "release 9 
of the Java Platform" precisely to avoid saying "Java 9". And please 
don't replace "(Java 25)" with "(release 25 of the Java Platform)".


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