RFR: 8334755: Asymptotically faster implementation of square root algorithm [v5]

fabioromano1 duke at openjdk.org
Sun Jun 23 10:36:10 UTC 2024

On Sun, 23 Jun 2024 10:23:15 GMT, Daniel Jeliński <djelinski at openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> Most likely. If you check the code you'll notice that most methods that change the `MutableBigInteger` value (like `subtract`) call `normalize` after performing the operation, so the values should be normalized most of the time.
>> @djelinski Unfortunately, this is not always true. In fact, without forcing normalization before comparing, the program leads to failure in thousands of cases, while forcing the normalization resolves all the failures...
>> So, the question is: since it is not always guaranteed that the arguments are normalized, is it responsibility of `subtract` to normalize arguments?
> Which program are you referring to?
> It is the responsibility of the caller of `subtract` to ensure that the arguments are normalized. This may or may not require calling `normalize`, depending on whether the argument is normalized or not.

@djelinski I'm referring to the tests of square root for BigIntegers.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/19710#discussion_r1650040731

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