reducing the size of multi-architecture applications

Alan Snyder javalists at
Thu Mar 7 18:16:35 UTC 2024

As mentioned in a previous message, I am creating universal macOS bundled applications by including two Java runtimes in the application bundle, one for arm and one for x86. The primary disadvantage of universal applications is their size. For Java applications, there is an obvious opportunity to share the class files, which are architecture neutral. In the current JDK, that would mean sharing the lib/modules file, which would reduce the application size by 100MB or so.
This would be a no-brainer, except for one small detail: the lib/modules file contains two class files that are different in the two runtimes.
These classes are PlatformProps (whose source is architecture-specific) and Architecture (which inlines constants from PlatformProps). I presume the motivation for this design is the performance improvement that results from the compiler knowing the constant values. Is that correct?
It appears that these architecture-specific constants are used mostly, if not exclusively, in jtreg and test programs. I tested this theory by replacing the modules file in an arm runtime with the modules file from the corresponding x86 runtime. An application using this hybrid runtime started up normally. While not an exhaustive test, the fact that it did not fall over dead is encouraging.
Another potential issue with sharing class files is that the module-info classes in lib/modules identify the target architecture. My little experiment suggests that this metadata is not used, but it would be nice to guarantee that.
It would good if sharing lib/modules was a supported feature, rather than just hoping that it works and continues to work in the future.
I can see several possible options for supporting sharing of the lib/modules file, based in part of how the above classes are used and how important the inline performance gains are:
1. Split lib/modules into two files, one for architecture-specific class files and one for architecture-independent class files.
2. Replace the inlining support with a conventional implementation that initializes the constants using data obtained from a dynamic library.
3. Move the above classes into a test support module, one that jlink excludes by default. If there are other clients of architecture related constants, they can use conventional implementation classes, as described in the second option.

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