[jpackage] Changes to icon handling between Java 17 and Java 21 on Windows

Daniel Peintner daniel.peintner at gmail.com
Wed Nov 6 09:19:42 UTC 2024


I am not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I hope so.
If not please let me know where I can report this kind of problem.

Recently we changed from JDK 17 to JDK 21 and something seems to have
changed when running jpackage with --icon option.

Produced structure on Windows for

# Java 17

while for

# Java 21 (v 21.0.5)

As you can see the foo.ico is missing.
Note: the foo.exe still shows the right icon when looking at it in

Anyhow, on some devices the missing ico file is causing issues.
There is no icon on the program list nor in the taskbar (see attached

Note: On some windows installations it works without issues.

Is this a known problem? I tried to browse through https://bugs.openjdk.org
without finding such a bug report.

Thanks for any input/advice.

-- Daniel
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