[External] : Re: [POTENTIAL BUG] Potential FIFO violation in BlockingQueue under high contention and suggestion for fair mode in ArrayBlockingQueue and LinkedBlockingQueue

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Wed Sep 4 12:35:36 UTC 2024

Hi Kim,

On 04/09/2024 12:50, 김민주 wrote:
> In the original approach, I intended for each thread to call |put|, 
> confirm that it has entered the waiting state, and then allow the next 
> thread to put the next sequence value and also enter the waiting state. 
> This approach was designed to simulate a situation where the queue is 
> already full and each thread has to wait in line for space to become 
> available.

The problem with that is that you would still need to ensure that each
thread calls `put` in order, and for that, you would still need
external synchronization.

I am not an expert in java.util.concurrent, but it feels like the
fix you had in mind would not buy you much.

best regards,

-- daniel

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