[External] : Re: [POTENTIAL BUG] Potential FIFO violation in BlockingQueue under high contention and suggestion for fair mode in ArrayBlockingQueue and LinkedBlockingQueue

Archie Cobbs archie.cobbs at gmail.com
Sun Sep 8 14:39:00 UTC 2024

Hi Kim,

Thanks for the details.

So to summarize:

   - Kim is saying that "Interpretation B" is how it actually works.
   - Viktor is saying that "Interpretation A" is how it actually works.

Do I have that right?


P.S. Viktor: my apologies for misspelling your name before

On Sat, Sep 7, 2024 at 8:04 PM 김민주 <miiiinju00 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Arhice,
> First of all, I want to apologize if I may not have explained things
> clearly since English is not my first language. I’m really sorry about that.
> Even so, I deeply appreciate your response and taking the time to reply.
> First, I would like to confirm whether my understanding is correct.
> From what I know, ReentrantLock is based on AQS, and internally, threads
> are queued by being linked as Node.
> When ReentrantLock.newCondition is called, a ConditionObject is created.
> When Condition::await is called, the thread waits based on a ConditionNode,
> and the AQS head is replaced with AQS::signalNext, allowing the lock to
> be released. At this point, I understand that the node disappears from the
> AQS queue and starts waiting within the ConditionNode of the
> ConditionObject.
> As a result, I understand that the waiting places for ReentrantLock and
> Condition are different.
> To summarize, when Condition::await() is called, the node that was
> previously waiting in AQS receives the lock, disappears from the AQS queue,
> and starts waiting within the ConditionNode of the ConditionObject.
> Additionally, from what I understand, in Condition::doSignal, the first
> ConditionNode is removed, and then AQS::enqueue adds it to the tail of AQS
> .
> public class ConditionObject implements Condition, java.io.Serializable {
> private void doSignal(ConditionNode first, boolean all) {
>     while (first != null) {
>         ConditionNode next = first.nextWaiter;
>         if ((firstWaiter = next) == null)
>             lastWaiter = null;
>         if ((first.getAndUnsetStatus(COND) & COND) != 0) {
>             enqueue(first);
>             if (!all)
>                 break;
>         }
>         first = next;
>     }
> }
> When enqueue is called:
> public abstract class AbstractQueuedSynchronizer
>     extends AbstractOwnableSynchronizer
>     /*
>      * Tail of the wait queue. After initialization, modified only via casTail.
>      */
>     private transient volatile Node tail;
> 	 final void enqueue(Node node) {
> 	    if (node != null) {
> 	        for (;;) {
> 	            Node t = tail;
> 	            node.setPrevRelaxed(t);        // avoid unnecessary fence
> 	            if (t == null)                 // initialize
> 	                tryInitializeHead();
> 	            else if (casTail(t, node)) {
> 	                t.next = node;
> 	                if (t.status < 0)          // wake up to clean link
> 	                    LockSupport.unpark(node.waiter);
> 	                break;
> 	            }
> 	        }
> 	    }
> }
> From my understanding, this attaches the node to the tail of AQS.
> To elaborate further on the situation:
>    1.
>    Threads T1 to T10 are waiting on Condition::await() because the queue
>    is full.
>    (At this point, T1 to T10 are linked through ConditionNode.) [The AQS queue
>    is empty, while ConditionNode holds T1 to T10.]
>    2.
>    T11 calls take() and holds the lock via lock.lockInterruptibly().
>    (Since no threads are waiting in the AQS queue, T11 will acquire the
>    lock immediately.)
>    [Now, AQS holds T11 at its head, and ConditionNode holds T1 to T10.]
>    3.
>    T12 calls queue.put() and enters the wait queue for
>    lock.lockInterruptibly(). (Since T11 is holding the lock with take(),
>    T12 will be queued behind it in AQS.)
>    [Now, AQS holds T11 and T12, while ConditionNode holds T1 to T10.]
>    4.
>    T11 reduces the count and sends a signal, then releases the lock.
>    5.
>    T1 receives the signal and moves to the lock queue. Since ReentrantLock is
>    in fair mode,
>    (When T11 sends the signal, T1, the first thread linked in
>    ConditionNode, will be enqueued via AQS::enqueue. Now, AQS holds T11,
>    T12, and T1, while ConditionNode holds T2 to T10.)
>    6.
>    T11 releases the lock and wakes up T12.
>    [Now, AQS holds T12 and T1, while ConditionNode holds T2 to T10.]
>    7.
>    T12 acquires the lock and proceeds to enqueue in ArrayBlockingQueue without
>    being blocked by while(count==length).
>    8.
>    T12 releases the lock, and the next node in AQS is unparked.
>    [Now, AQS holds T1, while ConditionNode holds T2 to T10.]
>    9.
>    T1, having reacquired the lock after Condition::await(), fails to exit
>    the while loop and waits again.
>    [Now, ConditionNode holds T1 and T2 to T10.]
> This is how I currently understand the situation.
> If there are any mistakes in my understanding, I would greatly appreciate
> your clarification.
> Best Regards,
>  Kim Minju
> 2024. 9. 8. 오전 3:34, Archie Cobbs <archie.cobbs at gmail.com> 작성:
> Hi Kim,
> On Sat, Sep 7, 2024 at 10:36 AM 김민주 <miiiinju00 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Here's a clearer outline of the scenario:
>>    - Threads T1 to T10 are waiting on Condition::await() because the
>>    queue is full.
>>    - T11 calls take() and holds the lock via lock.lockInterruptibly().
>>    - T12 calls queue.put() and enters the wait queue for
>>    lock.lockInterruptibly(). (As I understand, the wait queue for
>>    ReentrantLock and Condition are separate.)
>>    - T11 reduces the count and sends a signal, then releases the lock.
>>    - T1 receives the signal and moves to the lock queue. Since the
>>    ReentrantLock is in fair mode, T12 (which was already waiting) gets
>>    priority, and T1 will acquire the lock later.
>>    - T12 acquires the lock and successfully enqueues.
>> From one reading of the Javadoc, your step #5 ("T12 gets priority") is
> not supposed to happen that way. Instead, one of T1 through T10 should be
> guaranteed to acquire the lock.
> Here it is again (from ReentrantLock.newCondition()):
> The ordering of lock reacquisition for threads returning from waiting
>> methods is the same as for threads initially acquiring the lock, which is
>> in the default case not specified, but for *fair* locks favors those
>> threads that have been waiting the longest.
> But part of the problem here is that this documentation is ambiguous.
> The ambiguity is: are ALL threads trying to acquire the lock, whether on
> an initial attempt or after a condition wakeup, ordered for fairness
> together in one big pool? → In this case step #5 can't happen. Call this
> Interpretation A.
> Or is this merely saying that threads waiting on a condition reacquire the
> lock based on when they started waiting on the condition, but there are no
> ordering guarantees between those threads and any other unrelated threads
> trying to acquire the lock? → In this case step #5 can happen. Call this
> Interpretation B.
> So I think we first need to clarify which interpretation is correct here,
> A or B.
> On that point, Victor said this:
> I've re-read ReentrantLock and AQS, and from my understanding on the logic
>> the Condition's place in the wait queue should be maintained, which means
>> that T3 shouldn't be able to "barge".
> So it sounds like Victor is confirming interpretation A. Victor do you
> agree?
> If so, then it seems like we need to do two things:
> 1. File a Jira ticket to clarify the Javadoc, e.g. to say something like
> this:
> The ordering of lock reacquisition for threads returning from waiting
>> methods is the same as for threads initially acquiring the lock, which is
>> in the default case not specified, but for *fair* locks favors those
>> threads that have been waiting the longest. *In the latter case, the
>> ordering consideration includes all threads attempting to acquire the lock,
>> regardless of whether or not they were previously blocked on the condition.*
> 2. Understand why Kim's updated test case is still failing (it must be
> either a bug in the test or a bug in ArrayBlockingQueue).
> -Archie
> --
> Archie L. Cobbs

Archie L. Cobbs
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