adding Xalan's XSL 3 implementation within jdk

Mukul Gandhi mukulg at
Sun Feb 2 05:35:33 UTC 2025

Hi all,
     Apache Xalan team wrote much of XSL 3 spec's implementation (I
wrote lot of Java code for this enhancing upon lot of Xalan code
that's within jdk's XML api implementations). Here's url of codebase
repos branch for this,

Is it kindly possible for someone on this list, to look at this code
repos branch and study feasibility of including these Xalan
implementation changes to future jdk release. It may also be helpful
to have these code changes to be part of a possible jdk 1.8 compliant
service pack. It is requested please someone to have git clone of this
code repos branch since there are chances for having code on this
repos branch to change.

I wrote this request mail, initially to Sharat Chander who works with
Oracle (Senior Director, Product Management & Developer Engagement).
He advised me to post this request to, this mail list to try having
this request fulfilled.

Hoping that this list shall oblige with this request over the next few
weeks, or months.

Many thanks.

Mukul Gandhi

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