adding Xalan's XSL 3 implementation within jdk

Alan Bateman alan.bateman at
Sun Feb 2 16:08:01 UTC 2025

On 02/02/2025 14:27, Mukul Gandhi wrote:
> Hi all,
>      Due to an unknowing issue with the previous mail that I've sent as
> mentioned within mail trail, the URL of codebase repos branch got
> specified as
> (with an erroneous period suffix character). The correct URL is
>  (this
> code repos branch also has a test suite with corresponding README
> document. The test suite can be run to verify integrity of the
> implementation wrt W3C XSL 3.0 specifications).
> If I need to provide any clarification about this work, please let me
> know and I shall try my best to answer questions wrt this.
> I'm also copying this mail to Joseph Kesselman (Xalan PMC member) &
> Gary Gregory (Xalan PMC chair), who have also been working on this
> implementation.

The stats for that branch suggest 5,845 changed files with 234,372 
additions and 84,058 deletions. I can't easily tell how much of this 
would need to come into the jdk repo but this looks like a major update. 
If only 10% of this is applicable to the JDK then it still needs seems 
like a major update that would require a huge investment to audit and 
integrate this code. How much XML is in new applications developed in 
2025? Only asking because it's an area that is surely much lower 
priority compared to all the other major investments right now. Maybe 
there are useful security or performance changes that would be useful to 
cherry pick instead? Finally, does this Xalan update work with the SPIs 
so that someone really looking for XSL 3 can just deploy it on the class 
path and module path?

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