RFR: 8349543: LinkedBlockingDeque does not immediately throw InterrruptedException in put/take

Doug Lea dl at openjdk.org
Thu Feb 6 15:37:44 UTC 2025

On Wed, 5 Feb 2025 15:36:15 GMT, kabutz <duke at openjdk.org> wrote:

> The LinkedBlockingDeque does not behave consistently with other concurrency components. If we call putFirst(), putLast(), takeFirst(), or takeLast() with a thread that is interrupted, it does not immediately throw an InterruptedException, the way that ArrayBlockingQueue and LInkedBlockingQueue does, because instead of lockInterruptibly(), we call lock(). It will only throw an InterruptedException if the queue is full (on put) or empty (on take). Since interruptions are frequently used as a shutdown mechanism, this might prevent code from ever shutting down.

Thanks for finding this. The only question is whether we believe that any existing usage might depend on current behavior, and if so should it be done anyway?


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/23464#issuecomment-2637728302

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