RFR: 8350594: Misleading warning about install dir for DMG packaging

Alexey Semenyuk alexey.semenyuk at oracle.com
Thu Feb 27 17:43:08 UTC 2025

Hi Michael,

See my comments inline.

On 2/27/2025 11:11 AM, Michael Hall wrote:
>> On Feb 26, 2025, at 9:22 PM, Michael Hall <mik3hall at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I don’t get that if I delete the existing dmg first.
>>> Full verbose output at…
>>> http://mikehall.pairserver.com/rt.txt
> Is there a how-to on using --runtime-image on MacOS? How are you 
> supposed to get a valid runtime to put into JavaVirtualMachines?
> I installed jdk 23 to bootstrap a jdk build. I jpackage’d that.
> jpackage --verbose -n rt -t dmg --runtime-image 
> /Users/mjh/Documents/GitHub/jdk/build/macosx-aarch64-server-release/jdk
This command should produce a Java runtime in JavaVirtualMachines subtree.

> The resulting jdk actually appears to have a similar directory layout 
> to what is in JavaVirtualMachines.
> It lacks the _CodeSignature, Info.plist, and MacOS file and directories.
This is intentional (not sure it is correct, though).

> It still is not found with either “java —version” or 
> “/usr/libexec/java_home”
> I tried giving it a more standard name in case naming convention mattered.
No, it doesn't. The name you tried should work.

> The built is jdk 25 and the 23 bootstrap still shows current.
> I thought maybe using that runtime to build an application then 
> jpackage would make it a valid MacOS runtime
> But jpackage --runtime-image with the runtime from that gets a couple 
> no such file exceptions on
> runtime/Contents/Home/lib/libnio.dylib.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist
> The app gets
> HalfPipe.app/Contents/MacOS/HalfPipe
> Error: could not open 
> `/Users/mjh/HalfPipe/HalfPipe_jpkg/outputdir/HalfPipe.app/Contents/runtime/Contents/Home//lib/jvm.cfg’
> Possibly not a bug but not obviously easy either.

Thank you for trying it out! I'll look closer at the issues you reported 
and get back to you.

- Alexey
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