adding Xalan's XSL 3 implementation within jdk

Mukul Gandhi mukulg at
Wed Mar 5 09:54:12 UTC 2025

Hi Joe,
    Thanks for your mail, and interest about what Apache Xalan-J team
has been able to do up to now with respect to XSLT 3.0 language

On Tue, Mar 4, 2025 at 10:24 AM Joe Wang < at> wrote:
> Great work. Are the tests counted differently?
Apache Xalan-J's XSLT 3.0 & XPath 3.1 tests have been verified to pass
with Xalan-J's XSL 3.0 implementation, and therefore obviously have
tests numeric count intrinsic to Xalan-J's XSL 3 implementation. As
I've mentioned, and as of now Xalan-J has 910 XSL 3 tests. Although,
these tests count may seem less overall, but many more XSL 3 tests can
be added to Xalan-J's XSL 3 test suite (I'm adding such newer tests,
as I'm working more with Xalan-J).

Gary Gregory wrote 1-2 days before on Xalan-J dev forum, that he'll be
happy to support making Xalan-J's XSL 3 beta release around these

> The W3C test suite for XSLT 3.0 is said to "contain over 11,000 test cases". What would be the pass rate if measured against the W3C test suite?

I'm in a process to configure on my local, to run W3C's XSLT 3.0 test
suite and to know what is Xalan-J XSL 3 implementation's quality with
respect to those tests. I shall publish those XSL 3 test suite results
when I've successfully run those tests.

Xalan-J's XSL 3.0 implementation already has following working tests
from W3C XSLT 3.0 test suite.
(Xalan-J's own xsl:iterate tests are located at,

The reason why, Xalan-J hasn't been able to run all XSLT 3.0 tests yet
from W3C test suite, is how Xalan-J's XSLT transformation serializer
currently works. Xalan-J's XSLT transformation serializer emits
results a bit differently (mostly these are whitespace character
issues, but compliant with XSLT 3.0 spec) than the XSL tests expected
output specified within W3C's XSLT 3.0 test suite. I'm trying to get
around with these XSL tests issues.

Many thanks.

Mukul Gandhi

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