Managing with CRaC

Anton Kozlov akozlov at
Tue Apr 16 10:59:08 UTC 2024

Thanks for forwarding.

I created to track this.

It's indeed true this and other places require changes for CRaC. However, I expect changes in each one to be not that big, so it's worth to try to fix them all :)


On 4/16/24 9:32 AM, Volker Simonis wrote:
> Forwarding to crac-dev...
> Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at <mailto:Alan.Bateman at>> schrieb am Di., 16. Apr. 2024, 08:28:
>     On 15/04/2024 22:32, Cleber Muramoto wrote:
>      > Hello!
>      >
>      > I am trying to take a checkpoint using zulu's CRaC.
>      >
>      > When using VirtualThreads the checkpoint fails because of open file
>      > descriptors created by EPollPoller.
>      >
>      > As of now, I think the only possible way to close the FD's is by
>      > accessing the private read/write pollers to fetch the epfd's and
>      > manually closing them. (I tried the jdk.crac.resource-policies but it
>      > doesn't seem to pick up these FDs).
>      >
>      > While this works to capture the snapshot, restoring is another story,
>      > since the poller threads don't expect the epfds to change.
>      >
>      > Are there any plans to add some sort of lifecycle api to Poller to
>      > make it CRaC friendly?
>     I assume this must be a build that uses code from the OpenJDK CRaC
>     project as this is not a feature in the JDK main line. You may have to
>     ask on crac-dev. There are literally dozens of places right across the
>     JDK that would need attention in order to sanely snapshot and continue
>     from arbitrary points like this. I haven't had cycles to track what they
>     have in the current exploration/prototype but I'm sure the folks on
>     crac-dev can help.
>     -Alan

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