Expectations for CSR members and reviews

joe darcy joe.darcy at oracle.com
Tue Jun 13 01:02:29 UTC 2017


Getting back from vacation, there are a few CSR topics to catch up on.

First, thanks to Phil for adding some FAQ items in my absence; I'll 
expand the logistical FAQ items soon.

Second, it is worthwhile to have some discussion about how CSR reviewers 
interact with the requests which come in.

There are a number of ways CSR members can be involved with requests. 
First, a member can be one of the reviewers of a request and listed as 
such in the "Reviewed By:" field. After an engineer submits a CSR issue 
for review, by moving it to either of the Proposed or Finalized states, 
a CSR member has several options for further involvement. If a member 
notices a problem with the request, the member can move the request to 
the Pended state, providing a comment justifying doing so. Less serious 
problems can be brought up in comments and comments can also be used to 
ask questions or indicate the request looks fine.

Other than the chair, CSR members are *not* expected to review each 
request that is submitted; although members are welcome to review any 
requests of interest and the chair may request other members to look 
over a particular request before the request is approved.

For the past several years, the earlier ccc system which CSR is 
replacing received a high volume of incoming requests, on average more 
than one per calendar day. In years past, the ccc required numerous 
distinct roles to vote on a request before it could be approved. This 
proved unwieldy and introduced long latencies in the overall ccc review 
process for little benefit. For this reason, for many years there has 
been a more streamlined process where the chair is the primary reviewer 
with other reviewers focusing on particular areas, such as Phil 
reviewing client API requests.

With the CSR system, I expect some adjustment to be made, but to 
preserve the overall reviewing model where each member is not expected 
to review each request before it is approved.




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