CSR issue type now live in JDK project for JDK 10 requests

Joseph D. Darcy joe.darcy at oracle.com
Wed May 24 00:04:39 UTC 2017


The CSR issue type is now live in the JDK project to be used for 
compatibility and specification review for JDK 10 issues.

Thanks to Tony Squier for the JIRA work making this possible.

I've created a few retroactive CSR requests for two API changes I needed 
to do earlier in JDK 10. CSR members have the ability to transition 
requests to the Pended state. As chair, in addition I can move requests 
to the Closed/Approved and Provisional states. Administratively, Mark 
Reinhold also has chair privileges should the need arise to move forward 
on requests if I'm not available.

As we start using the new system, I expect we'll want to make some 
adjustments. In the coming weeks, I plan to setup JIRA dashboards to 
assist with CSR reviews.

Let the reviewing begin!



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