CSR issue type now live in JDK project for JDK 10 requests

Phil Race philip.race at oracle.com
Wed May 31 21:16:03 UTC 2017

That sounds like an anoying work flow issue.
Tony .. is there a way to remove CSR from the list of types in the drop 
down of the create page ?

Perhaps "Backport" has the same issue but I'm not sure about that


On 05/31/2017 02:08 PM, Martin Buchholz wrote:
> I went through the process of creating a CSR but only after filling 
> everything out does it tell me """CSRs cannot be created manually, 
> instead use the Create CSR operation on the Issue View page."""
> On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 9:22 AM, Phil Race <philip.race at oracle.com 
> <mailto:philip.race at oracle.com>> wrote:
>     On 05/30/2017 09:20 AM, Phil Race wrote:
>         On 05/25/2017 07:02 AM, joe darcy wrote:
>             Hi David,
>             You can add yourself as a reviewer to indicated you
>             approve of the request.
>         I just did that for
>         https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8181190
>         <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8181190> but
>         it feels a bit odd. That has generally meant "peer reviewed by
>         an area expert",
>         as opposed to the CSR review angle ..
>     And actually I lied. It failed to take because the "reviewed"
>     state isn't valid
>     until it has a compatibility risk which I guess is not needed
>     until it goes final.
>     So I can't do anything except add a free form comment, which also
>     seems wrong.
>     -phil.
>             You can also add a comment to that effect.
>         Comments feel too free form for that.
>             If you think there is a problem with the request you can
>             pend it if it is in Provisional or Finalized state.
>             If you don't see workflow actions to move the request when
>             in those states, a config change may be needed in JBS.
>         https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8181058
>         <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8181058>
>         is in Provisional State but I see no way to pend it.
>         Whereas https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8181190
>         <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8181190>
>         is in Proposed State and there I do see a button labelled
>         "Pending" but
>         "Pending" reads like "I am in pended state".
>         Shouldn't the button be labelled "Pend" ?
>         -phil
>             HTH,
>             -Joe
>             On 5/24/2017 6:56 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>                 Hi Joe,
>                 Have I missed the instructions on how to respond to
>                 the CSR JBS issues once they are filed? Do we add
>                 comments saying "I approve" or "I have a problem ..."?
>                 CSRs are being filed but I'm not sure what, if
>                 anything I need to do with them.
>                 Thanks,
>                 David
>                 On 24/05/2017 10:04 AM, Joseph D. Darcy wrote:
>                     Hello,
>                     The CSR issue type is now live in the JDK project
>                     to be used for compatibility and specification
>                     review for JDK 10 issues.
>                     Thanks to Tony Squier for the JIRA work making
>                     this possible.
>                     I've created a few retroactive CSR requests for
>                     two API changes I needed to do earlier in JDK 10.
>                     CSR members have the ability to transition
>                     requests to the Pended state. As chair, in
>                     addition I can move requests to the
>                     Closed/Approved and Provisional states.
>                     Administratively, Mark Reinhold also has chair
>                     privileges should the need arise to move forward
>                     on requests if I'm not available.
>                     As we start using the new system, I expect we'll
>                     want to make some adjustments. In the coming
>                     weeks, I plan to setup JIRA dashboards to assist
>                     with CSR reviews.
>                     Let the reviewing begin!
>                     Thanks,
>                     -Joe

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