Bar for release notes

David Holmes david.holmes at
Mon Jul 3 08:15:32 UTC 2023

On 3/07/2023 5:55 pm, - wrote:
> Hi CSR group,
> Just curious, what is usually the condition for the requirement of a 
> release note for CSR changes? Is it usually related to behavior changes 
> to frequently-used APIs, and how large would a change be to require such 
> a note?

There are no hard and fast rules here, it is very subjective and often 
happens because the CSR review process raises a request to add a Release 

To me it is mainly a matter of how noticeable any change in behaviour, 
or change in API would be. Consider the number of changes in any given 
release of OpenJDk compared to the number of release notes - not many 
changes get release notes. That said a change doesn't have to be large 
to warrant a release note, it just has to be quite noticeable to anyone 
using the affected bit of code.


> Chen Liang

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