Publishing code reviews

Mark Reinhold mr at
Thu Oct 11 18:47:24 UTC 2007

> Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 11:01:48 -0700
> From: dmitri.trembovetski at

>    what about moving one of our our internal code review tools
>    to an outside server?
>    Like the one the client team uses - the 'code review robot'.
>    You submit the code review either via email or web page.
>    The webrev is then hosted on the "robot system" so the reviewers
>    can see it.
>    The communication between the reviewers happens via email, the
>    robot is CC-ed. The tool supports multiple fix revisions,
>    approvals, etc.
>    It will probably need some polishing up - since currently
>    there's no authentication, for example, but it's been used
>    by many people for a long time and is found to be very
>    convenient if not as flashy as Mondrian and some ajaxy tools..

A fine idea, but I see two problems.

One is the polishing-up bit -- that's more work than setting up a simple
rsync-driven web server.  It'd be great for the robot to be made publicly
available eventually, but right now I think expedience demands

The other is that some JDK developers, well, just don't like the robot.
So we'd need to either convince people to use it anyway, which would take
time if it's possible at all, or else provide something simpler ... like
the OpenSolaris service.

If we do create an OpenSolaris-style code-review server then we should
certainly arrange for the robot to publish webrevs there.  That can't be

- Mark

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