CFV and Project Proposal: HarfBuzz Integration Project

Mario Torre neugens.limasoftware at
Thu Jul 25 23:32:27 UTC 2013

Vote: yes,

This is a great project, I'm looking forward for it!

Il giorno 25/lug/2013 23:23, "Steven R. Loomis" <steven.loomis at>
ha scritto:

> Thank you Omair.
> ( I'm re-posting the original message- I wasn't subscribed to this list
> originally.  Moderator, you can delete my pending post if you wish. )
> I hereby propose the creation of the HarfBuzz Integration Project with
> Steven R. Loomis as the Lead and 2d-dev at  as the
> sponsoring
> Group(s).
> I am the maintainer of the ICU Layout Engine, which is used for complex
> text
> rendering since Java 1.2 ([1]). This package has not been actively
> developed
> in quite some time, as is evidenced by recent performance, stability, and
> security issues that have been corrected. Although it is used in a number
> of
> other projects (both open source and otherwise), it has been a long
> standing
> dream of many (or at least, several) to have a single open source layout
> engine building on the
> legacy of FreeType, Qt, Pango and ICU’s layout engines. This
> has been realized
> by the HarfBuzz [2] project.
> What are some reasons JDK should switch to HarfBuzz?
> * Significantly faster.  Khaled Hosny reports 10x for his Amiri font, and
> LibreOffice agrees.
> * Significantly better compatibility with Uniscribe - extensively tested
> * Much better script coverage.  Including new-spec Indic.
> * Actively maintained, active development community.
> * Written from the ground up to be secure.
> * It's rapidly becoming the only important OpenType layout engine used by
> other projects. If you aren't using Microsoft's Uniscribe, Apple, or Adobe…
> you are probably using HarfBuzz.
> * The maintainer of the ICU Layout Engine currently in the JDK (me)
> recommends it.
> * Independently tested by Mozilla, Android, ChromeOS.
> * In use by Android 4.3 (released today), Qt, Pango (GNOME),  Firefox,
> Chromium,LibreOffice, XeTeX and others
> * HarfBuzz has an ICU compatibility library which will make it easier to
> switch
> back and forth between ICU and HarfBuzz. It involves dropping in different
> headers and recompiling/relinking.
> * HarfBuzz has licenses compatible with both OpenJDK and commercial uses
>  ("HarfBuzz is licensed under the so-called "Old MIT" license. ")
> What is being proposed:
> 1. The first step is to add configure switches which allow HarfBuzz's ICU
>  compatibility layer to be chosen instead of ICU at build time.   This
> can be done as a prototype against JDK 8.
> 2. The goal would be to integrate this into mainstream JDK (building
> against
>  HarfBuzz by default) in JDK 9.
> 3. Future goals could include:
>   a. HarfBuzz-specific code optimizations (calling into HB instead of
> the ICU wrapper)
>   b. HarfBuzz-specific API?
> Note: there are some issues right now with dropping in different ICU
> versions
> ( see the "libicu" discussion currently on 2d-dev for details. )
> Initial authors: Steven R. Loomis, Omair Majid, Phil Race
> Initial reviewers: Phil Race
> Votes are due by:
> Votes are due by Thu Aug 1 12:00 GMT 2013.
> Only current OpenJDK Members [3] are eligible to vote on this
> motion.  Votes must be cast in the open on the discuss list.
> Replying to this message is sufficient if your mail program
> honors the Reply-To header, by replying to to this mailing list.
> For Lazy Consensus voting instructions, see [4].
> Steven R. Loomis
> [1]
> 1997
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> ( Sorry about the formatting. I'll handcraft the SMTP transaction next
> time.)
> On 7/25/13 2:09 p.m., Omair Majid wrote:
> > Vote: Yes
> >
> > On 07/25/2013 04:56 PM, Steven R. Loomis wrote:
> >> I hereby propose the creation of the HarfBuzz Integration Project
> >> with Steven R. Loomis as the Lead and 2d-dev at  as
> >> the sponsoring Group(s).

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