Project Proposal: Device I/O

Bob Vandette bob.vandette at
Tue Apr 8 21:31:56 UTC 2014

I'd like to discuss the creation of the Device I/O Project with myself (Bob Vandette) as the Lead and the Core Libraries Group as the sponsoring group.

The Device I/O Project would implement a generic device peripheral access API for Java applications running on embedded devices, providing APIs for common peripheral devices currently found in in embedded platforms such as GPIO, I2C, SPI, UART, USB and others.

Currently, developers are forced into writing JNI code in order to access these elements. We intend to provide a Java level API for developers to use instead and to keep the public API consistent across Java SE and Java ME, although the open project will initially only support Java SE.

I have been in the Java SE Organization for over 15 years and have been the Java SE Embedded Lead for the last 9 years.

The initial Reviews and Committers suggested here are made up of representatives from both the Java SE Embedded and Java ME development teams.

The initial Reviewers will be Jen Dority, Riaz Aimandi, Alexey Konstantinov, Thierry Violleau and Jens Pätzold.

The initial Committers will be: Andrey Petushkov, Petr Panteleyev, Sergey Nazarkin, Vladimir Danushevsky and Derek White, Gary Collins, Pavel Safrata, Kinsley Wong, Bill Pittore, Dean Long and Lubomir Nerad.

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