Draft proposal: JEP 2.0

Martijn Verburg martijnverburg at gmail.com
Fri Apr 11 08:08:43 UTC 2014

Hi all,

Overall JEP 2.0 is a great step forwards! - It was always hard as new
Contributor or outsider to OpenJDK to see what stage any JEP was up to,
it'll definitely help coordinate work between Oracle and non-Oracle folks
in OpenJDK as well.

Big +1 on the proposal to allow Contributors to author (but not submit) a
JEP and to have a 'cross-discipline' mailing list. Some folks are fairly
new to OpenJDK, yet have genuinely interesting ideas / prototypes and need
a place where they can have guidance as to whether it's realistic for them
to spend concerted time and effort to get that into OpenJDK or (as an
example) spin off their idea as a 3rd party lib if it's simply not feasible
to include it in OpenJDK.

I agree with Mike that it would be nice to have the workflow all managed in
one place, I'm putting together a 'guide for new contributors' for the
Adoption Group and it's made me realise how much useful information there
is..... but scattered in lots of different locations, would be nice to have
more consolidation.


On 11 April 2014 04:41, Mike Duigou <mike.duigou at oracle.com> wrote:

> Some comments.
> Tracking:
> - I'll add my voice to Bob's that we want only one system of record for
> JEPs and that should be JBS. JEPs are either managed entirely within JBS or
> we shouldn't bother with using JBS for JEPs at all. If we are going to go
> with the many-staged workflow described in the proposal then having JBS to
> manage that workflow would be a huge boon.
> - "Alert Status (updated weekly once Funded)". This seems onerous for
> projects that are green (or irredeemably yellow). Required
> increment-the-date weekly updates has been a significant annoyance for
> internal processes which I would prefer not to repeat with JEPs.
> Workflow:
> - The diagram unfortunately reminds me too much of a LHC "Higgs Boson
> detection event" graphic. Many of these states are overlapping and are
> worked coincidentally. Since only some of them are strictly gating can we
> collapse the softer states to a smaller number of strictly gating states?
> General:
> - The JEP process doesn't feel very approachable to an outsider/first time
> submitter. Either we have to provide a lot more guidance about how to fill
> out a JEP and/or make the process simpler. This has been a consistent
> comment from both Oracle internal and external JEP authors. The typical
> pattern seems to be to get someone else who's previously successfully filed
> a JEP to file your JEP for you or to crib answers from some other JEP.
> Submitters should be able to readily provide the necessary information or
> recognize that they aren't ready to file their JEP, but most importantly,
> they should be able to know mostly independently whether they have supplied
> the appropriate responses.

> Mike

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