Is Java WebStart Deprecated?

Daniel Latrémolière daniel.latremoliere at
Wed Nov 15 11:22:46 UTC 2017

I don't think deploying business applications on internal computers by using a public mechanism (also allowing others external applications on internal computers) is perfect.

More than a future for Java WebStart, I would be possibly more interested by a future for some selected API. If using application-private JRE is done to build an internal runtime & downloader & launcher, then applications can be downloaded by using a custom descriptor, and loaded by using ModuleLayer, ModuleFinder, etc. (i.e. an old JWS application evolve to a Jigsaw layer).

But, I don't see useful API for an application suite (i.e. declaring a new application in the suite and allowing some features, like [1]).



Le 15 novembre 2017 11:32:48 GMT+01:00, Holger Brands <holger.brands at> a écrit :
>I just read about the deprecation of Java Webstart (JWS) and I'm
>I think a lot of java desktop applications are deployed via JWS being
>"consumer" apps or "internal business" applications.
>While I agree that deploying a central JRE on a machine that JWS apps
>to rely on
>is not the way to go, I think Oracle draws the wrong conclusions.
>In my opinion, the best solution would be to open source Java Webstart
>Technology as part of OpenJDK,
>where it could be enhanced to be able to package and deploy an
>application-private JRE or a modular runtime image
>together with the application bundle.
>I think deprecating and eventually removing Java Webstart Technology
>without providing a viable replacement
>is the worst thing to do.
>We need a (standard) single click installation and upgrade of java
>applications supporting multiple plattforms ("Build once - deploy
>and I doubt native installers are the right solution for portable java
>Please rethink your deployment strategy and don't let down all the
>applications and developers around there.
>Just my two cents,

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