JVMTI ClassFileLoadHook

Peter Hull peterhull90 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 15 12:52:01 UTC 2020

In the JVM Tool Interface there is an event for Class File Loading. In
the docs (https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/platform/jvmti/jvmti.html#ClassFileLoadHook)
it says that the 'name' parameter can be NULL"if the class is defined
with a NULL name or without a name specified". Under what
circumstances can the class be defined like this?
I am asking because, when using the Netbeans profiler and JDK 1.8 I
see a load of lines in the log like
Profiler Agent Warning: JVMTI classLoadHook: class name is null.
and I am wondering - does the user need to know this? or should the
profiler be doing something with these classes?

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