[External] : Re: Call for Discussion: New Project: Galahad

Douglas Simon doug.simon at oracle.com
Wed Dec 14 09:37:38 UTC 2022

> How will this work going forward ? It sounds as if Graal/GraalVM will now be a down stream repository. The reason Graal was removed from the OpenJdk was because of the duplicated effort of maintenance. Once this is eventually merged will this reintroduce the same amount of synchronization work as before ? 

The eventual goal is indeed to have GraalVM be a downstream repo once the requisite components are part of OpenJDK.

> Do you envision changes in Graal and javac be performed by the same engineer?

Graal is a bytecode-to-machine-code compiler and javac is a Java-source-to-bytecode compiler. These are two different projects/technologies and there are no plans to merge them.

> Do you envision a time when Graal will be the only compiler , supplanting the C++  javac. 

No. BTW, javac is written in Java (https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/tree/master/src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac), not C++.

From: Rob Leland <the.rob.leland+java.net at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2022 4:28 AM
To: Douglas Simon
Cc: discuss at openjdk.java.net
Subject: [External] : Re: Call for Discussion: New Project: Galahad

How will this work going forward ? It sounds as if Graal/GraalVM will now be a down stream repository. The reason Graal was removed from the OpenJdk was because of the duplicated effort of maintenance. Once this is eventually merged will this reintroduce the same amount of synchronization work as before ?

Do you envision changes in Graal and javac be performed by the same engineer?

Do you envision a time when Graal will be the only compiler , supplanting the C++  javac.


On Tue, Dec 13, 2022 at 4:24 AM Douglas Simon <doug.simon at oracle.com<mailto:doug.simon at oracle.com>> wrote:

I hereby invite discussion of a new Project, Galahad*, whose primary
goal is to contribute Java-related GraalVM technologies to the OpenJDK
Community and prepare them for possible incubation in a JDK main-line

The initial focus will be on contributing the latest version of the
GraalVM just-in-time (JIT) compiler and integrating it as an
alternative to the existing JIT compiler of the HotSpot VM. Later
steps will bring in the necessary ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation
technology to make this new JIT compiler written in Java available
instantly on JVM start and avoid any interference with application
heap usage and execution profiling. We also intend to contribute
portions of the Native Image technology as a general AOT compilation
technology for Java applications. Galahad will pay close attention to
Leyden and track the Leyden specification as it evolves.

I propose to lead this Project. The initial set of Reviewers will be
Gergo Barany, Gilles Duboscq, Christian Humer, Vojin Jovanovic, David
Leopoldseder, Tom Rodriguez, Christian Wimmer and Thomas Wuerthinger.
The initial set of Committers will be Kim Barrett, Alan Bateman, Larry
Cable, Eric Caspole, Roberto Castaneda Lozano, Mandy Chung, Andrew
Dinn, Erik Duveblad, Josef Eisl, Francois Farquet, Damon Fenacci,
Thomas Garcia, Severin Gehwolf, Aleksandar Gradinac, Ian Graves,
Christian Haeubl, Christian Hagedorn, Tobias Hartmann, Dan Heidinga,
Peter Hofer, Tobias Holenstein, David Holmes, Alexander Ilin, Vladimir
Ivanov, Erik Joelsson, Stefan Johansson, Stefan Karlsson, Roman
Kennke, Vladimir Kozlov, Vijay Kulkarni, Ioi Lam, Fengyun Liu, Dean
Long, Ashutosh Mehra, Alex Menkov, David Nestorovic, Fabio Niephaus,
Erik Osterlund, Loic Ottet, Ekaterina Pavlova, Aleksandar Pejovic,
Emanuel Peter, Alfonso Peterssen, Coleen Phillimore, Chris Plummer,
Aleksandar Prokopec, Claes Redestad, Ivan Ristovic, John Rose, Roland
Schatz, Thomas Schatzl, Christoph Schobesberger, Tom Shull, Boris
Spasojevic, Serguei Spitsyn, Lukas Stadler, Codrut Stancu, Jovan
Stevanovic, Simon Tooke, Robert Toyonaga, Bernhard Urban-Forster, Igor
Veresov, Jorn Vernee, Mikael Vidstedt, Roland Westrelin, Christian
Wirth, Paul Woegerer, Foivos Zakkak, Sonia Zaldana Calles, Galder
Zamarreno, Yudi Zheng and Patrick Ziegler.

This Project will start with a clone of the current JDK main-line
release, JDK 20, and track main-line releases going forward. We will
incrementally adapt Java-related GraalVM related technologies from the
Graal repository[1] and merge them into this clone. The work may
include side repositories for experimentation. We expect to deliver
Galahad over time, in a series of JEPs that will likely span multiple
feature releases.


- Doug

* "Galahad is the knight who is chosen to find the Holy Grail.
Galahad, in both the Lancelot-Grail cycle and in Malory's retelling,
is exalted above all the other knights: he is the one worthy enough to
have the Grail revealed to him and to be taken into Heaven."

[1] https://github.com/oracle/graal<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/oracle/graal__;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!O9XgcI9U8XiVCQAdLTu3zsE7zuqkGiYTe2EZP9HL-sv9m64BSRF99CLrQGragq3kAphqQ7aWuKczjEtGmbqrhfyWNDU$>

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