Very fast List/Deque to java.util?

David Holmes david.holmes at
Sat Jun 11 13:40:13 UTC 2022

Hi Rodde,

This is the wrong mailing list for this kind of query. If you want to 
propose a new class then you need to take it to 
core-libs-dev at but be fore-warned you need to have a 
full story here:
- benchmarks showing the improvements and under what circumstances; and 
just as importantly under what circumstances there will be performance 
- "proof" that the implementation adheres to all specified behaviours
- a sound argument as to why you think it deserves to be in the OpenJDK

Also note that OpenJDK can only accept a contribution when it is 
submitted directly into some part of the OpenJDK infrastructure (mailing 
list, wiki page, bug report, code review or pull request). This is 
necessary for intellectual-property rights.


On 11/06/2022 5:38 pm, Rodion Efremov wrote:
> Hi,
> I have this List/Deque implementation that runs (in a rather versatile
> benchmark) much faster than ArrayList and LinkedList:
> What do you think? Does it deserve to be included in JDK?
> Best regards,
> rodde

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