System.getProperty("file.encoding.pkg") == null ???

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Fri Oct 14 10:32:09 UTC 2022

On 13/10/2022 17:22, Amn wrote:
> The following code:
> *System.getProperty("file.encoding.pkg");*
> in my Debian 11 box using Java 17 reports "null", I was expecting 
> something like UTF-x.
> I did a search on the net in the hope to find some explanation 
> regarding the behaviour of the above code, but to no avail. Can anyone 
> help me understand the behaviour of the above method call?
I suspect you are looking for file.encoding rather than 
file.encoding.pkg.  I think the undocumented system property 
file.encoding.pkg dates from the converters where its value was 
"" rather then a charset name. All of this has been obsolete since 
JDK 1.4 (2004) so I suspect it's just a typo in the name of the system 
property. If there are issues in this area then it's best to follow-up 
on core-libs-dev, not here.

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