Rusty Java - Transition the Java Runtime from C/C++ to Rust.

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Wed Nov 20 14:32:23 UTC 2024

Hard to say, because it's not clear from the JEP draft what your "cause" 
is here.  I get the enthusiasm for Rust, but I am unclear on the point 
of a JEP that includes the following:


  - Finish the work

If the goal is to produce a proof-of-concept that shows "hey, we can 
write parts of the JDK/JVM in Rust", that sounds more like a hobby 
project, not a "JDK Enhancement".

So what are you trying to accomplish here?

On 11/19/2024 6:33 PM, Eric Kolotyluk wrote:
> I started writing a JSR 'Rusty-Java' a while ago, but before I go too 
> far, is this something people might be interested in, or is it a lost 
> cause?
> You can view my thinking at
> Cheers, Eric
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