Is bootstripping with gcj and classpath really nesserary?

Mark Wielaard mark at
Sat Jun 16 10:58:58 PDT 2007


On Fri, 2007-06-15 at 15:44 -0700, Yuhong Bao wrote:
> Can't you just use a binary of OpenJDK to bootstrip it?

I don't believe anybody distributes binaries of OpenJDK yet. Although
Michael has some preliminary Debian packages for x86 only see

You can build one yourself following the build instructions from the
build group but you will need some
binary blobs and an existing proprietary JDK around. Or you can use the
IcedTea build harness from that bootstraps
openjdk using only Free Software. Icedtea lets you do a make bootstrap
that will (after creating the initial binary using gcj with free plugs
created from GNU Classpath) use openjdk/icedtea itself to build itself.

So in theory after you have your initial binary you can then use that to
bootstrap itself. And you then don't need the proprietary JDK binary or
gcj anymore (although you would still need either the proprietary binary
blobs or the free plugs provided by IcedTea/Classpath).


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