[PATCH] make it compile with gcc 4.3

Bernhard Rosenkraenzer bero at arklinux.org
Fri Nov 2 16:53:55 PDT 2007

This patch (relative to hg from 2 days ago + my patch to switch it to b23) 
makes icedtea build with gcc 4.3.

Some chunks are fairly crappy (just getting rid of -Werror because openjdk 
code is nowhere near clean enough to compile with -Werror on gcc 4.3 --- lots 
of warnings saying the likes of
"cast from short to unsigned int:3 may change value"), the other bits are 
mostly adding missing includes (e.g. libstdc++'s <string> no longer includes 
<cstring>/<string.h>, causing gcc to complain about lack of memcpy/strlen/... 

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Url : http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/distro-pkg-dev/attachments/20071103/99e77cb1/icedtea-1.4-gcc-4.3.patch 

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