IcedTea interview

Amit Kumar Saha amitksaha at
Mon Nov 5 03:26:18 PST 2007

Hi all!

I am working on an article on "IcedTea" for an India based Linux/Open
Source Magazine. Though, the FAQ answers most questions related to
"IcedTea", it would be nice to have an interview with the "IcedTea"
developers answering some of them in a "first person" fashion.

So, I would like to request you to kindly chip in with your thoughts:

* The main motivation behind IcedTea
* What is the future agenda?
* Are there plans to support other distributions as well?

Any other things you would like to be covered.

I really appreciate your time and comments.

Thank you very much!


Amit Kumar Saha
*NetBeans Community Docs
Contribution Coordinator*
me blogs@

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