OpenJDK zero on sparc linux

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Mon Apr 7 05:53:23 PDT 2008

On 07/04/2008, Gary Benson <gbenson at> wrote:
> Sébastien Bernard wrote:
>  > This turn to be some problem with the arch.
>  > Sometimes, the path is build with sparc, sometimes , with
>  > sparc64. While some libs are build in sparc, the link are done with
>  > the other, thus leading to some not found syndrom.
>  > Next, I rebuild using sparc32 ./configure.
>  > Everything went smooth until it tried to execute the recently build
>  > j2re and j2dk.
>  > Execution aborts immediately, with a SIGABORT. I don't really know
>  > why but I think it's related to the default compiler.
>  > I run an unstable debian and the compiler used is the gcc-4.3, idem
>  > for g++ and gcj.
>  This is probably a multilib issue.  What does your uname -m say
>  normally, and what does it say when you use sparc32?
>  > I tried to build the jdk on hppa too and it fails miserable for
>  > the same reason than sparc (uname -m gives hppa64, but userland
>  > is 32bit).
>  Hmmm, that sounds broken.  Can you post the output from ./configure
>  for that one?
>  Cheers,
>  Gary
>  --

Don't know if this is relevant or not, but I seem to recall that
HotSpot on SPARC is built in a rather strange way to handle 32/64-bit.
 This is where ARCH_DATA_MODEL comes in.  From the build README:

Solaris: Note that ARCH_DATA_MODEL is really only needed on Solaris to
indicate you want to built the 64-bit version. And before the Solaris
64-bit binaries can be used, they must be merged with the binaries
from a separate 32-bit build. The merged binaries may then be used in
either 32-bit or 64-bit mode, with the selection occurring at runtime
with the -d32 or -d64 options.
Andrew :-)

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