OpenJDK zero on sparc linux

Bernard Sébastien seb at
Mon Apr 7 11:46:01 PDT 2008

Paul Hohensee a écrit :
> No, it's actually a jdk7 linux-sparc port done by us (Sun).  It's not 
> derived from
> any Blackdown code.  We're still having logistical issues with the openjdk
> repositories so it's not out there yet.  You may have noticed that 
> nothing's
> gone back to the openjdk hotspot repositories since they were nominally
> opened awhile ago.
> Thanks for your patience.
> Paul
My mistake then.
It's such a waste that the port done by those people will go to /dev/null.
No source code has gone out since the JDK 1.3.
And IMHO, the openjdk and the java community would benefit of the 
immense work
they've done if they could contribute back.
Not only for sparc, but for powerpc, and several exotic architectures too.


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