bcopy, bzero, bcmp

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Sun Apr 27 12:05:32 PDT 2008

Same thing might be said of bcmp, bzero, stricmp, and strcasecmp.
Looks like this is just old BSDism cruft that could be deleted.
(BSD didn't have the mem*() functions as I recall).

It's possible that some other .so might depend on having this
extern in libjvm.so, but that strikes me as bad news and if someone
is depending on it, they should be taken out and shot or something. ;^)


Mark Wielaard wrote:
> Hi,
> Another patch that all distros seem to apply is one to remove the
> redefine of bcopy in openjdk/hotspot/src/share/vm/libadt/port.hpp.
> -#undef bcopy
> -inline void bcopy(const void *s, void *d, size_t len) { memmove(d,s,len); }
> +//#undef bcopy
> +//inline void bcopy(const void *s, void *d, size_t len) { memmove(d,s,len); }
> Now I cannot find any usage of bcopy (or bzero, or bcmp) in hotspot, so
> the above seems not to actually do anything. But I was wondering why the
> above might be necessary.
> Cheers,
> Mark

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