Public open specs

Mark Wielaard mark at
Thu Nov 13 14:10:23 PST 2008

Hi Dalibor,

On Thu, 2008-11-13 at 22:37 +0100, Dalibor Topic wrote:
> > So, any progress? It would be good to at least have the specs for the
> > active projects (nio2, modules, mlvm, etc) published freely and openly
> > if that is easier to accomplish on short notice before we liberate all
> > the other relevant specs.
> >   
> As far as I understand your initial request, you are interested in
> getting the description of the class file format
> changes for SE 6 published in a way similar to how they've been done for
> other VM spec changes,
> and those are the ones where I've been looking at.

That was just an example. The original discussion was actually about
some specific java language changes in the JDK6 specs. I think the
important thing is having the specification documents for the parts that
we work on in openjdk in the open. If you want to focus on some of them
specificly first, then I believe the three I mentioned above are the
best to target since they are in active development now. Ultimately
getting all the specs for which Sun holds the copyrights under
non-restricting terms compatible with the GPL would of course be the



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