Public open specs

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at
Thu Nov 13 15:16:50 PST 2008

Dalibor Topic wrote:
> I'm curious since I know that GPLd implementations of JSRs have been
> around as long as JBoss
> (a division of Red Hat) was, so I have trouble figuring out how both
> JBoss and your claim can coexist,
> figuratively speaking.

There's a difference between an implementation that /happens/ to conform
to a spec (which can be accomplished by reverse-engineering) in which
case the spec's terms are irrelevant, and a implementation that is based
on /reading/ the spec, in which case the terms are essential.

It is also possible that other developers violated the JSR terms, but
obviously that isn't wise.

Matt Flaschen

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