Heads Up: JDK 7 Linux platforms moving to Fedora 9

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at member.fsf.org
Tue Nov 25 22:06:06 PST 2008

2008/11/25 Andrew Haley <aph at redhat.com>:
> Andrew John Hughes wrote:
>> On 24/11/2008, Andrew Haley <aph at redhat.com> wrote:
>>> Xiomara.Jayasena at Sun.COM wrote:
>>>  > On 11/24/08 08:00, Andrew Haley wrote:
>>>  >> Xiomara Jayasena wrote:
>>>  >>
>>>  >>> Hi,
>>>  >>>
>>>  >>> The official Release Engineering builds for JDK 7 will be moving from
>>>  >>> the following OSs:
>>>  >>>
>>>  >>> *32 bit builds*
>>>  >>> ==========
>>>  >>> *From: *RH AS 2.1 to Fedora 9
>>>  >>>
>>>  >>> *64 bit builds*
>>>  >>> ==========
>>>  >>> *From: *SUSE 8 to: Fedora 9
>>>  >>>
>>>  >>> All required Makefile changes are in place, there are still  other items
>>>  >>> that are still being investigated for this OS upgrade to happen but
>>>  >>> wanted to inform of the changes that are on the way.
>>>  >>> *When:*  It is expected that this change will happen by build 42.
>>>  >>>
>>>  >>> Please let me know if there are any questions.
>>>  >>>
>>>  >>
>>>  >> We've had to fix a few compatibility bugs in IcedTea.  Do you want us to
>>>  >> send you the patches?
>>>  >>
>>>  >
>>>  > Yes, please -- send me the patches.
>>> OK.
>>>  * icedtea-f2i-overflow.patch fixes some overflows that are undefined
>>>  behaviour in C++.
>>>  * icedtea-hotspot-citypeflow.patch fixes an incorrect use of an enum.
>>>  * icedtea-lib64.patch fixes directory search paths.
>>>  * icedtea-gcc-4.3.patch fixes some compilation errors.
>>>  * icedtea-no-bcopy.patch removes the definition of the BSD bcopy and bcmp
>>>  functions.
>>>  The first two are really important because without them g++ generates
>>>  bad code.
>> Note that, according to the ChangeLog, icedtea-no-bcopy.patch and
>> icedtea-hotspot-citypeflow.patch were contributed by Matthias Klose
>> (doko) who doesn't have an SCA in place.  The rest are from Red Hat.
> You shouldn't just say "no assignment, so we can't apply these" without
> actually looking at the patches.
> icedtea-no-bcopy.patch simply removes a few lines of code.  I am not a
> lawyer, but IMO that doesn't need copyright assignment.
> The citypeflow change is
>   enum Cell {
> -    Cell_0
> +    Cell_0, Cell_max = UINT_MAX
>   };
> which is the trivial/obvious way to fix it.
> Andrew.

I didn't.  I was just pointing out that this was a collection of
patches from different people, some of which weren't under the SCA.
>From the original e-mail, it might have been assumed that they were
all being contributed by you or Red Hat.  I wasn't saying that the SCA
was necessary for the contributions and I agree they are
trivial/obvious; I'd have applied similar patches to Classpath without
an assignment provided the same contributor didn't have a mass of
other existing small patches.  However, in my experience, Sun wants an
SCA for *every* contribution and I had to have one in place for a
similar one-liner.
Andrew :-)

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