[patch] proposal for ecj and NIO2 compatiblity check during configure

Xerxes Rånby xerxes at zafena.se
Thu Feb 19 15:46:00 PST 2009

Greetings, I was compiling the mercurial tip of icedtea6 on a Ubuntu LTS 
8.04 Hardy Heron machine and to my surprise a default configured build 
stopped in midair. It turned out my installed ecj version 3.3.1 was not 
up to the task of compiling the cool backported NIO2 stuff.

I have created a patch that checks for this incompatible version of ecj 
with NIO2 during configure thus giving the user a choice how to resolve 
the situation gracefully. If the check fails then this gets displayed:

checking version of ECJ... 3.3.1
configure: error: "ECJ version 3.3.1 cant compile NIO2 - try upgrade ecj 
to >= 3.4.1 or use --disable-nio2"

Suggestions are welcome!

Cheers and have a great day!

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Name: configure.ecjAndNIO2CompatiblityCheck.patch
Url: http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/distro-pkg-dev/attachments/20090220/6ece64dc/configure.ecjAndNIO2CompatiblityCheck.patch 

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