JAXWS build problem - Darwin/PowerPC/Zero

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at member.fsf.org
Thu Jun 4 09:10:29 PDT 2009

2009/6/3 Eric Richardson <ekrichardson at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I get the following error. In the release notes in says JIBX is not needed.
> ERROR: You do not have access to valid JIBX library files. \n       Please
> check your access to \n
> /NOT-SET/devtools/share/jibx/lib/jibx-run.jar \n       and/or check your
> Exiting because of the above error(s). \n
> make[1]: *** [post-sanity] Error 1
> make: *** [stamps/icedtea-ecj.stamp] Error 2
> I tried this which will at least get me to the jaxws build - jaxp compiles.
> make ALT_OUTPUTDIR=`pwd`/build/bsd-ppc ALT_FREETYPE_LIB_PATH=/opt/local/lib
> ALT_FREETYPE_HEADERS_PATH=/opt/local/include
> ALT_JIBX_LIBS_PATH=/Users/eric/java/jibx-1.2.1/lib LIBARCH=ppc ARCH=ppc
> It fails like this below and the appropriate class is in the stax-api.jar in
> the jibx lib dir.
> build-classes:
>     [javac] Compiling 2425 source files to
> /Users/eric/java/icedtea-1.10/build/bsd-ppc/jaxws/build/classes
>     [javac]
> /Users/eric/java/icedtea-1.10/openjdk-ecj/jaxws/src/share/classes/com/sun/istack/internal/XMLStreamException2.java:27:
> package javax.xml.stream does not exist
>     [javac] import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
> I looked at both the Makefile which calls the Ant build.xml and neither
> refer to any classpath so I assume that the missing classes need to somehow
> be in the bootclasspath for the jvm/javac. I also try the configure option
> --with-jibx with no luck.
> ./configure --enable-zero=yes --with-project=bsd
> --with-gcj-home=/Users/eric/jdk1.5
> --with-ecj-jar=/opt/local/share/java/eclipse-ecj.jar
> --with-xalan2-jar=/opt/local/share/java/xalan.jar
> --with-xalan2-serializer-jar=/opt/local/share/java/serializer.jar
> --with-xerces2-jar=/opt/local/share/java/xercesImpl.jar
> --with-jibx=/Users/eric/java/jibx-1.2.1  --without-rhino --disable-plugin
> --disable-xrender
> Any help appreciated,
> Eric

Disabling it in IcedTea relies on the DISABLE_NIMBUS changeset which
is only so far in the IcedTea and build forests.  The BSD folks are
welcome to pull it into their repo, and it will appear in 7 itself
once things start to move forward.  Basically, if you're using a
different tree (via --with-project or some other mechanism), all bets
are off as to how things will work as they are based on the default
tree and options :)  I expect the local Nimbus patch will have broken
too prior to this as it removes a DISABLE_NIMBUS block to give Nimbus
(via the generated files in IcedTea) without JIBX (the tool build and
generation is still disabled).

Your JIBX is too new.  You need 1.1.5.  It can be downloaded via
jibx.sourceforge.net.  If you do --disable-nimbus-generation (which is
what you're getting with the broken patch anyway), the IcedTea
configure will check for the JAR files and make available the
directory OpenJDK needs.  IcedTea takes paths to the three needed jars
and passes OpenJDK $(top_builddir)/jibx which contains bcel.jar,
xpp3.jar, jibx-run.jar and jibx-bind.jar.  You shouldn't have a
stax-api.jar.  That's already part of the JDK.  If you let IcedTea do
the directory from wherever you or your distro installed JIBX, then it
will do a clean directory with only the needed JAR files.

Long term, most IcedTea stuff will be going upstream, including Zero
so it may just appear in the BSD tree anyway at some point :)
Andrew :-)

Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)

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