RFC: Make javax.jnlp package visible to javac

Omair Majid omajid at redhat.com
Thu Jun 4 11:51:15 PDT 2009


Sun's documentation states that javac should be able to compile code 
that uses javax.jnlp once jnlp.jar is added to the classpath [1]. 
IcedTea6, however, has no jnlp.jar, and javax.jnlp.* classes are already 
in rt.jar. It turns out that you have to use 'javac 
-XDignore.symbol.file OnlineTest.java' for this to work [2].

The attached patch adds javax.jnlp to NON_CORE_PKGS list, making it 
visible to javac.

2009-06-04  Omair Majid  <omajid at redhat.com>

     * patches/icedtea-webstart.patch: Make javax.jnlp classes visible.

Ok to commit?


[2] http://andrew-haley.livejournal.com/695.html
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