1.7.0 -icedtea - webmin ssl problem

Barry R Cisna brcisna at eazylivin.net
Sat Jun 13 14:33:53 PDT 2009


Done a default install of FC8 which ships with java-1.7.0-icedtea and
plugin. When trying to access both the Webmin module ssh/telnet and the
File Manger (java applet) they both fail with ' start: applet initialzed
failed'. If I disable ssl in the Webmin config,then the ssl/telnet
applet does launch and run correctly but the File Manger applet still
fails(gray background). Also I have tested this new install of FC8 on
some known java test applets and only about half of the sites will
open/run . The others simply come up to  a blank page?

Webmin-1.470(and Webmin 1.320)--rpms

Thank You,

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