RFC: Make javax.jnlp package visible to javac

Joseph D. Darcy Joe.Darcy at Sun.COM
Tue Jun 16 09:59:48 PDT 2009

Martin Buchholz wrote:
> The Java world has always made a bigger distinction
> between interface and implementation than other projects,
> especially since (most of) the interface is (at least in principle)
> controlled by the JCP (this includes javax.* but not com.sun.*).
> Moving an API to a more public location is as big a deal
> as creating that new API in the first place.
> Currently the process for making small (i.e. non-JSR)
> changes to the JDK is  in flux.  In the past (and still at present)
> one needs a Sun-internal sponsor to push such a change.
> In future probably there will be a more public process that
> anyone can participate in.

Yes, adding classes/packages in the javax.* namespace is generally out 
of scope for OpenJDK 6, but it is possible they could be added in JDK 7.


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