Netx and invalid xml files

Deepak Bhole dbhole at
Thu Jun 18 11:57:23 PDT 2009

* Omair Majid <omajid at> [2009-06-18 13:59]:
> Hi,
> I just came across a jnlp file [1] that is not valid xml. The file  
> contains a <vendor> starting tag, but ends it with </vender> (the 'o'  
> has been replaced by an 'e'). Netx fails to run this file, complaining  
> it's not valid xml. However, Sun's Web Start runs it just fine. So now I  
> am wondering what the correct behaviour should be. Should Netx attempt  
> to deal with invalid xml files? or should Sun's implementation refuse to  
> run this?

It is a bug in Sun's plugin IMO. It should not be accepting bad xml files.


> Omair
> [1]

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