IcedTea6 1.6 Released!

Andrew Haley aph at
Wed Sep 9 10:00:07 PDT 2009

We are proud to announce the release of IcedTea6 6.

The IcedTea project provides a harness to build the source code from
OpenJDK7 using Free Software build tools. It also includes the only
Free Java plugin and Web Start implementation, and support for
additional architectures over and above x86, x86_64 and SPARC via the
Zero assembler port.

What's New?
- Added java method tracing using systemtap version 0.9.9+.
- Security fixes for:
  CVE-2009-2670 - OpenJDK Untrusted applet System properties access
  CVE-2009-2671 CVE-2009-2672 - OpenJDK Proxy mechanism information leaks
  CVE-2009-2673 - OpenJDK proxy mechanism allows non-authorized socket connections
  CVE-2009-2674 - Java Web Start Buffer JPEG processing integer overflow
  CVE-2009-2675 - Java Web Start Buffer unpack200 processing integer overflow
  CVE-2009-2625 - OpenJDK XML parsing Denial-Of-Service
  CVE-2009-2475 - OpenJDK information leaks in mutable variables
  CVE-2009-2476 - OpenJDK OpenType checks can be bypassed
  CVE-2009-2689 - OpenJDK JDK13Services grants unnecessary privileges
  CVE-2009-2690 - OpenJDK private variable information disclosure
- FAST interpreter for ARM
- Timezone fix:
- Stackoverflow error fix:
- Backport regression (NPE) fix for AccessControlContext fix
- Bump to hs14b16
- The plugin has been updated to improve stability and cookie support.
  Support for certificates with mismatched CNs has been added as well.

The tarball and nosrc RPM can be downloaded here:

The following people helped with this release:
Gary Benson, Deepak Bhole, Andrew Haley, Andrew John Hughes, Mark
Wielaard, Lillian Angel, Matthias Klose, Ed Nevill, and many others.

We would also like to thank the bug reporters and testers!

To get started:
$ hg clone
$ cd icedtea6-1.6

Full build requirements and instructions are in INSTALL:
$ ./configure [--enable-visualvm --with-openjdk --enable-pulse-java
--enable-systemtap ...]
$ make

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