Miscellaneous jar improvements

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Thu Sep 10 09:57:15 PDT 2009

Martin Buchholz wrote:
> Regarding improving build times:
> The jar command that is actually used to build rt.jar is from the
> bootstrap jdk,
> so patching the jdk that you are about to build won't help directly.

Sure, but building JDK on any free software distro uses the immediately
previous JDK.  Therefore, all that means is that the improvement is
delayed by one release cycle.

> However, there is another patch that will improve build times
> even when using an old boot jdk.
> changeset:   1283:ff32c270102a
> user:        martin
> date:        Mon Jun 22 21:07:20 2009 -0700
> summary:     6853806: Prefer (cd $dir && jar) to jar -C for performance reasons
> All told, there were at least 3 separate changesets in openjdk7 to
> make building rt.jar faster.

But you put the lot into http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk6/jdk6/jdk/rev/b35f1e5075a4,
right?  That's what we have in IcedTea 6.


> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 05:34, Mark Wielaard<mark at klomp.org> wrote:
>> On Thu, 2009-09-10 at 13:20 +0100, Andrew Haley wrote:
>>> 2009-09-10  Andrew Haley  <aph at redhat.com>
>>>       * patches/icedtea-jar-misc.patch: Import patch from upstream
>>>       OpenJDK 6.
>>>       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk6/jdk6/jdk/rev/b35f1e5075a4
>>> This is a patch to make jar much faster.  On Zero targets, this much
>>> improves the build time, which is very painful on the distro builders.
>>> OK for IcedTea trunk and 1.6 branch?
>> Yes, I would like to see that speedup! Martin claimed on some setup it
>> reduced the rt.jar building to just 2 seconds (!). Seeing that building
>> rt.jar currently is one of the most time consuming steps in the build
>> that would be fantastic.
>> I think this is fine, it comes with extra tests and is already in jdk7
>> and jdk6. If the speedup claims are true it would be good to get this
>> sooner rather than later.
>> But lets also try to encourage jdk6 to make a new release soon.
>> Thanks for testing and backporting this,
>> Mark

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