Bugids already used in this repository (Re: [FOR REVIEW] hs14 merge for OpenJDK6)

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Fri Sep 11 12:35:30 PDT 2009

Push has finished.


Joseph D. Darcy wrote:
> Thanks Kelly,
> -Joe
> Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> Pushing now... or should I say
>> ppppppuuuuuuusssssssshhhhhhhiiiiiinnnnnggggggg  
>> nnnnnnnnnooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww
>> It's very slow. :^(
>> Hopefully in the next 30mins...
>> -kto
>> Joseph D. Darcy wrote:
>>> Kelly,
>>> Yes, please file a bug and push the changes; I approve these changes 
>>> going back.
>>> -Joe
>>> Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>>>> I think a bugid will be needed to push in the changesets that
>>>> change the .jcheck/conf files in jdk6, shall I file one?
>>>> One bugid should cover all of the jdk6 repositories.
>>>> And I could push the changes in if need be, just say the word.
>>>> -kto
>>>> Mark Reinhold wrote:
>>>>> I've updated the jcheck extension to allow the unique-bugid
>>>>> restriction to be disabled, and I've disabled that check in
>>>>> the jdk6 forest.
>>>>> Joe: For the benefit of those using jcheck in their working
>>>>> repos I suggest you update the .jcheck/conf file in each repo
>>>>> to read:
>>>>>     project=jdk6
>>>>>     whitespace=lax
>>>>>     comments=lax
>>>>>     bugids=dup
>>>>> As for the extension itself, I'm working to get it published
>>>>> externally, hopefully in the next week or two.
>>>>> - Mark

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