Bugids already used in this repository (Re: [FOR REVIEW] hs14 merge for OpenJDK6)

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at member.fsf.org
Tue Sep 15 16:09:35 PDT 2009

2009/9/15 Daniel D. Daugherty <Daniel.Daugherty at sun.com>:
> Andrew John Hughes wrote:
> 2009/9/15 Daniel D. Daugherty <Daniel.Daugherty at sun.com>:
> Andrew John Hughes wrote:
> 2009/9/15 Daniel D. Daugherty <Daniel.Daugherty at sun.com>:
> The first changeset is in 6u16-B01/HSX-14.2-B01 and JDK7-B71/HSX-16-B08.
> I'm confused; if this is in hs14, why do we not have it already?
> The fix for 6862295 is in HSX-14.2 which is a fork created just for
> 6u16. OpenJDK6 currently contains HSX-14 (not sure which build)...
> Ok, I thought the whole point of
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/hsx/hs14/master was so that we *didn't*
> have these proprietary forks.
> I don't know why HSX-14.2 was created. I just know that was where
> I was told to push the fix so that it could get out the door as
> soon as possible. There was talk about holding up 6u15 but since
> that was a security release it couldn't wait a week. So the fix
> went into 6u16...

Sorry if it sounded like I was blaming you personally, because that
certainly wasn't the intention.  I'm just still very confused as to
why we have this hs14 tree (and I assume the same applies to hs16 too)
operating in a manner where externals aren't allowed to commit to it
and where Sun don't always do so either.

> OpenJDK6 now matches the current tip of
> hs14/master (or did on Saturday).
> I didn't push anything to hs14/master... Maybe this is something
> that Erik does...

The last commit was four months ago it seems.  I assume work on a
stable HotSpot has now switched to hs16.  I'd like OpenJDK6 to switch
to that too after b17, but Joe hasn't responded on that yet.

> You might remember my asking questions about pushing this fix back
> when OpenJDK6 was based on HSX-12... and I couldn't get there from
> here... :-)
> I do, there wasn't too much point in doing it then and it was good to
> see you repost so quickly after the merge.
> I've been watching and waiting for the administrivia to
> get worked out on the OpenJDK6 stuff... :-)
> Thanks for bringing over these patches.
> Not a problem. It seemed to me that OpenJDK6 really needed breakpoints
> that work :-)  And the other fix was just a 1-liner that fixed malloc
> pool corruption in the regular (non-debugging, non-profiling) system
> so it seemed important at the time... :-)
> I just wish others were as conscientious towards OpenJDK6.
> I'd say that Joe was beating on me, but I don't make it out to CA
> very often anymore and I haven't seen him in CO so... :-)

Oh yeah, I thought Joe's work was implied, him being OpenJDK6
maintainer and all :)
What we don't generally see is those working on something for OpenJDK7
thinking 'hey, this fixes a bug/regression that would be good to have
in OpenJDK6 too'.
Instead, I'd say pretty much all the backports come from either us at
Red Hat or Google and that's pretty much when we spot something useful
going by on the JDK7 lists.

> Dan

Andrew :-)

Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)

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