/hg/icedtea6: This patch includes a rewrite of the layoutextraga...

mwong at icedtea.classpath.org mwong at icedtea.classpath.org
Thu Sep 17 13:14:14 PDT 2009

changeset b9a444f3081b in /hg/icedtea6
details: http://icedtea.classpath.org/hg/icedtea6?cmd=changeset;node=b9a444f3081b
author: Man Lung Wong <mwong at redhat.com>
date: Thu Sep 17 16:15:06 2009 -0400

	This patch includes a rewrite of the layoutextragap jtreg test,
	should pass after applying this patch.


3 files changed, 146 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
ChangeLog                                  |    7 +
Makefile.am                                |    3 
patches/icedtea-jtreg-layoutextragap.patch |  137 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

diffs (168 lines):

diff -r 081f65658c7e -r b9a444f3081b ChangeLog
--- a/ChangeLog	Thu Sep 17 13:18:45 2009 +0200
+++ b/ChangeLog	Thu Sep 17 16:15:06 2009 -0400
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@ 2009-09-17  Xerxes RÃ¥nby  <xerxes at zafen
+2009-09-17  Man Lung Wong  <mwong at redhat.com>
+	* patches/icedtea-jtreg-layoutextragap.patch:
+	New patch for jtreg test LayoutExtraGap, which makes the test pass.
+	* Makefile.am:
+	Changed to allow the patch to apply during the make process.
 2009-09-17  Xerxes RÃ¥nby  <xerxes at zafena.se>
 	* ports/hotspot/src/share/vm/shark/sharkBuilder.cpp
diff -r 081f65658c7e -r b9a444f3081b Makefile.am
--- a/Makefile.am	Thu Sep 17 13:18:45 2009 +0200
+++ b/Makefile.am	Thu Sep 17 16:15:06 2009 -0400
@@ -649,7 +649,8 @@ ICEDTEA_PATCHES = \
 	patches/security/icedtea-6830335.patch \
 	patches/security/icedtea-6845701.patch \
 	patches/security/icedtea-6813167.patch \
-	patches/icedtea-jar-misc.patch
+	patches/icedtea-jar-misc.patch \
+	patches/icedtea-jtreg-layoutextragap.patch
diff -r 081f65658c7e -r b9a444f3081b patches/icedtea-jtreg-layoutextragap.patch
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/patches/icedtea-jtreg-layoutextragap.patch	Thu Sep 17 16:15:06 2009 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# HG changeset patch
+# User dav
+# Date 1246031444 -14400
+# Node ID 348fce38de3fc206074c448d6ee98b0ce7a769ae
+# Parent e1cb6cb935da07b727b05a95ad857cb8449b7f91
+6848458: java/awt/GridLayout/LayoutExtraGaps/LayoutExtraGaps.java fails
+Summary: consider gap between the component edge and container borders instead of just getX() and getY()
+Reviewed-by: dav
+Contributed-by: mwong at redhat.com
+--- openjdk/jdk/test/java/awt/GridLayout/LayoutExtraGaps/LayoutExtraGaps.java	Sat Mar 15 13:43:05 2008 -0400
++++ openjdk/jdk/test/java/awt/GridLayout/LayoutExtraGaps/LayoutExtraGaps.java	Fri Jun 26 19:50:44 2009 +0400
+@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@
+ /*
+    @test
+    @bug 4370316
+-   @summary GridLayout does not fill its Container
++   @summary GridLayout does not centre its component properly
++    (summary was GridLayout does not fill its Container)
+    @library ../../regtesthelpers
+    @build Util
+    @author Andrei Dmitriev : area=awt.layout
+@@ -90,25 +91,97 @@ public class LayoutExtraGaps extends Fra
+         setVisible(true);
+         Util.waitForIdle(Util.createRobot());
+-        Rectangle r1 = yellowPanel.getComponent(0).getBounds();
+-        Rectangle r2 = bluePanel.getComponent(0).getBounds();
+-        Rectangle r3 = blackPanel.getComponent(0).getBounds();
+-        Rectangle r4 = redPanel.getComponent(0).getBounds();
+-        System.out.println("firstHorizLabel bounds  ="+r1);
+-        System.out.println("firstVertLabel bounds ="+r2);
+-        System.out.println("firstHorizLabel_RTL bounds ="+r3);
+-        System.out.println("firstVertLabel_RTL bounds ="+r4);
+-        if ((r1.getX() == 0 && r1.getY() == 0) ||
+-            (r2.getX() == 0 && r2.getY() == 0) ||
+-            (r3.getX() == 0 && r3.getY() == 0) ||
+-            // RTL only affects horizontal positioning and components lays out from top right corner
+-            (r4.getX() == blackPanel.getWidth() && r4.getY() == 0))
++        if (isComponentCentredLTR(yellowPanel) && isComponentCentredLTR(bluePanel)
++                && isComponentCentredLTR(blackPanel) && isComponentCentredRTL(redPanel))
+         {
++            System.out.println("Test passed.");
++        } else {
+             throw new RuntimeException("Test failed. GridLayout doesn't center component.");
+-        } else {
+-            System.out.println("Test passed.");
+         }
++    }
++    /**
++     * Checks if the components under Panel p are properly centred (i.e.
++     * opposite borders between the Panel and component are equal). Panel p
++     * must not be affect by RTL orientation (RTL only affects horizontal
++     * positioning and components lay out from top right corner).
++     *
++     * @param      p the panel where the components exist and is not affected
++     *             by right to left orientation
++     * @return     true if components of panel p are properly centre, false
++     *             otherwise
++     */
++    public static boolean isComponentCentredLTR(Panel p) {
++        double borderLeft;
++        double borderRight;
++        double borderTop;
++        double borderBottom;
++        //The first component(rectangle) in panel p.
++        Rectangle firstRec = p.getComponent(0).getBounds();
++        //The last component(rectangle) in panel p.
++        Rectangle lastRec = p.getComponent(compCount - 1).getBounds();
++        System.out.println("bounds of the first rectangle in "+ p.getName() + " = " + firstRec);
++        System.out.println("bounds of the last rectangle in "+ p.getName() + " = " + lastRec);
++        borderLeft = firstRec.getX();
++        borderRight = p.getWidth() - lastRec.getWidth() - lastRec.getX();
++        borderTop = firstRec.getY();
++        borderBottom = p.getHeight() - lastRec.getHeight() - lastRec.getY();
++        return areBordersEqual(borderLeft, borderRight) &&
++                areBordersEqual(borderTop, borderBottom);
++    }
++    /**
++     * Checks if the components under Panel p are properly centred (i.e.
++     * opposite borders between the Panel and component are equal). Panel p
++     * must be affect by RTL orientation (RTL only affects horizontal positioning
++     * and components lay out from top right corner).
++     *
++     * @param      p the panel where the components exist and is affected by
++     *             right to left orientation
++     * @return     true if components of panel p are properly centre, false
++     *             otherwise
++     */
++    public static boolean isComponentCentredRTL(Panel p) {
++        double borderLeft;
++        double borderRight;
++        double borderTop;
++        double borderBottom;
++        //The first component(rectangle) in panel p.
++        Rectangle firstRec = p.getComponent(0).getBounds();
++        //The last component(rectangle) in panel p.
++        Rectangle lastRec = p.getComponent(compCount - 1).getBounds();
++        System.out.println("bounds of the first rectangle in "+ p.getName() + " = " + firstRec);
++        System.out.println("bounds of the last rectangle in "+ p.getName() + " = " + lastRec);
++        borderLeft = lastRec.getX();
++        borderRight = p.getWidth() - firstRec.getWidth() - firstRec.getX();
++        borderTop = lastRec.getY();
++        borderBottom = p.getHeight() - firstRec.getHeight() - firstRec.getY();
++        return areBordersEqual(borderLeft, borderRight) &&
++                areBordersEqual(borderTop, borderBottom);
++    }
++    /**
++     * Given two borders border1 and border2 check if they are equal.
++     *
++     * @param      border1 one of the borders being compared
++     * @param      border2 the other border being compared
++     * @return     true if border1 and border2 are equal to each other (i.e.
++     *             their width/height difference is at most 1, assuming the
++     *             smallest pixel is of size 1), false otherwise
++     */
++    public static boolean areBordersEqual(double border1, double border2) {
++        return Math.abs(border1 - border2) <= 1;
+     }
+     public static void main(String[] args) {

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