[PATCH] drop visualvm without OpenJDK build

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at member.fsf.org
Mon Sep 21 08:20:20 PDT 2009

2009/9/18 Michal Vyskocil <mvyskocil at suse.cz>:
> Hi,
> due the constraints of our build system, which don't allow the cycle in build
> (there are a few exceptions, like openjdk itself, where it's allowed) I need
> to build visualvm later, due the netbeans dependency.
> The separate build is allowed by make visualvm, but the installation of it is
> hardcoded icedtea (icedtea-debug) targets. I moved it to extra target called
> drop-visualvm.
> Regards
> Michal Vyskocil

Thanks for your contribution.  The idea here seems good in general.
IMO things like VisualVM, SystemTap support, etc. should be depended
on by the 'all' target rather than having this convoluted IcedTea
target (which is then duplicated in icedtea-ecj).

I'm planning to refactor our whole Makefile structure as a whole, so
I'll factor this in rather than applying the patch as is.  I'll be
doing this on my personal branch:
http://icedtea.classpath.org/people/andrew/icedtea then porting the
results, once stable over to IcedTea6 and 7.

Andrew :-)

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